Privacy statement


The Landal guest panel is an initiative from Landal Greenparks. The panel is managed by DirectResearch, a market research company from Amsterdam. The trust that DirectResearch and Landal GreenParks get from guests who cooperate in the research is crucial to our activities. In this privacy statement we therefore try to explain in a clear manner how we deal with data that can be labelled as confidential or privacy-sensitive. We have drawn up the following rules for ourselves to guarantee you that we handle data with care. You can always hold us to these rules

Data collection

  • DirectResearch collects data on a wide range of topics on behalf of Landal GreenParks using online surveys. Landal GreenParks is the exclusive owner of the collected information and will not disclose, sell, rent or share it with others on an individual level, other than as described in this statement, without your explicit consent. DirectResearch and Landal GreenParks will not respond to requests to disclose the identity of respondents or personal data unless required to do so by law. We respect your privacy and will not use your data for purposes other than research and will not make it available to third parties without your permission. Your answers to questions will never be reported on a personal level and will be treated completely anonymously.
  • Participation in research is always on a voluntary basis. DirectResearch raffles prizes among survey respondents. Contact information, such as your e-mail address, will be requested again when prize winners are announced. The e-mail address you provide will only be used to announce prize winners.
  • DirectResearch takes every care when it comes to the security of your data. The stored research data are located on servers behind a firewall and/or in a secure web environment. Technical security measures ensure that confidential information is only accessible to DirectResearch employees engaged in processing surveys.

Landal panel

  • When one agrees to join the panel, the personal profile of the respondent will be saved within the panel of Landal GreenParks. The goal is to perform market research of various kinds. The personal profile consists of first name, middle and last name, zip code, house number, gender, date of birth, email address, highest completed education, employment situation, household situation and number of persons in household.
  • We ask the panel members to check, confirm or update (due to ISO 26362) the data within the Landal guest panel once a year. If a panel member does not comply, all data will be deleted from the Landal guest panel. If a panel member indicates that he or she no longer wishes to be a member of the panel, all data will also be removed from the panel
  • You can view, change or delete your date according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this case, you need the e-mail address and password send by us through mail during the inclusion in the panel. If you don't remember your password, you can request a new one on the website.


If you have any other questions after reading this statement please contact [email protected].